Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Milicinth Macaw

With a mix like this you get a very rich and unusual blue-green! Macaw hybrids have been traditionally bred for color. The Milicinth Macaw is a fabulously colored hybrid cross between a Hyacinth Macaw and a Military Macaw. The offspring are influenced by the traits and characteristics of both of its parents. Father's have the dominant gene, so this will generally influence the offspring's coloration and overall appearance. However the Milicinth's gorgeous coloring is blended from both of these striking parents.

The Milicinth Macaw is a first generation macaw, meaning its parents are two species of naturally occurring macaws. Being a cross between a Hyacinth Macaw and a Military Macaw gives it some very desirable traits. The Hyacinth Macaw is sweet, affectionate and extremely gentle. Hyacinth's are not inclined to make a great deal of noise and have a very even temperament. The Military Macaw is a favorite pet macaw that also has a good temperament. It is very trainable and highly intelligent.

The behavior and temperament of hybrid macaws are more unpredictable and uncertain than the coloration. A Milicinth Macaw can often have the gentle shy nature and sweet temperament of the Hyacinth Macaw. They can be extremely loving and huggable, enjoying contact and interaction with one or more people, as well as other birds. Attributes they can inherit from the Military Macaw side are cleverness and being quick to learn tricks. With both these traits you can have a very smart and loving pet.

Milicinth Macaws are an inquisitive and outgoing bird when well established and comfortable in their home and surroundings. But they can also be very territorial in their own space, such as their cage or aviary, As with all macaws, they will require good socialization and consistent training to make good pets.

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